A Currumbin Sanctuary kangaroo mum and joey still in pouch.
Oi! What a week! Busy, busy, busy little bee I have been. First we sent Phoebe off to her forever home with Gayle on Tuesday, then Wednesday was a meeting at Albion Park for those of us that will start doing home visits and dealing with the applications of potential adopters.
THEN! On Friday afternoon I got a call about doing 2 home visits! ACK!!!!!!! Talk about fast! Yowza, Kirsty doesn't let any moss grow on her stones do she? So now it's Sunday evening, both home visits are done and both get my vote to be adopters! They were awesome! Anywho, I did some laundry and other assorted housework (always a fav pastime here in Chez Kitten, dontcha know).
I have been playing in the dirt. What? You mean you didn't know I was that kinda girl? Whellllll, there ya go. I planted about 2 dozen tomato plants a couple of weeks ago and they were nearly ready to re pot and so I did about half to see if they would do ok before I re potted them all.
I have my greenhouse all ready for the plants to go in once they are big enough. I will probably have them overflowing onto both front porch and back patio, as well as the greenhouse. I have planted some cukes, bell peppers (assorted colours), lettuce of many varieties - mostly leaf - herbs such as sage, oregano, basil, and thyme, some coriander, and chives, garlic chives, and some other stuff I can't remember at the mo'. But it's all good, I've been a busy little bee getting my fingers dirty, composting, digging, sowing seeds, watering with some odd organic seaweed mix that's supposed to be da bomb! I'll let ya know once stuff starts coming in. If it all tastes like Nori we might need to back off it LOL!!!!!